Madagascar, from the end of September to the end of December, is one of the best spots on the planet to observe the whale shark, but also different species of whales, dolphins, and rays. A delight.

The whale sharks
Visible only in certain parts of the world and at certain times, whale sharks have become a real touristic attraction, especially in the Philippines, where the largest concentration is found.
It's true that meeting this giant of the seas for the first time is quite impressive.

In “whale shark” there’s “whale”, but there’s also “shark”— then this mammal, the world’s largest fish, up to 20 meters long, does it hold more of the whale or of the Jaws?!
Nothing to fear. The whale shark is the nicest representative of his family, he's harmless to man, he eats only plankton and algae… If only it could go both ways...

The whale shark is a species to protect, especially from the drifts of some tourism service providers. No danger with Rand'eau Baleines; the team is working with marine scientists to identify and study the species, and will always respect – so does the whale– the appropriate distances and the peace of the animal. Thanks to the shark’s checkered motifs, your guide may even be able to tell you the name of the shark you meet.

Impressive but not dangerous.
Photo credit@baleinesrandeau.
Every sea trip with Rand’eau Baleines was an opportunity for us to observe whale sharks. But not only. Whales, dolphins, Mobula rays. Enough to take the view.

Several species of whales are observable in Nosy Be Bay at this time. It's forbidden to disturb it by diving, unless it decides on its own to approach the boat, like this whale and its cub, who have come “to play” with the boat :


It was a bit of a surprise that we met them on our way back from one of the islands. I didn’t even know we were likely to see them. I dove in without knowing where to look but I didn’t have to look for long. The ballet of these gracious dancers took place right under my palms.

... are not left out. Here we could see them in tens, twenties, escorting boats a few times.
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